Multimodal transportation is a special type of the cargo transportation, performed with two or three different modes oftransport under a single contract. The need of it arises due to a geographic location of departure and arrival points, time of delivery and rates. Even though multimodal transportation is performed by several modes of transport (sea, road, air and rail), the shipping courier (or as he’s also called «multimodal transport operator») is liable for it.
He doesn’t have to possess all the means of transport: the transportation is usually performed by actual carriers. Using different modes oftransport makes the logistic task more difficult. The multimodal transport operator needs to coordinate the time limits and take into account a number of details in order to eliminate delays and mistakes.
Why choose us?

Why Do You Need Multimodal Transportation?
International multimodal transportation is a perfect solution when the delivery with one mode of transport is impossible. As a rule, it happens when a cargo is transported by sea or air: the transportation from an airport or a seaport is provided by a load carrier vehicle. The same solution is used if an enterprise doesn’t have a spur line.
The logistics experts of the «M3 Logistics» company group often come up against situations, when the moving of a cargo from a point «A» to a point «B» is too expensive or takes too much time. Since their task is to optimize customer expenses and reduce delivery timeframe, they create transport and logistic chains to achieve their goals.
It stands to mention that this task is very difficult and only real professionals can solve it effectively. They should be able to arrange handling at a sea port a world away and pay for the sea freight in time, or to procure a contract of carriage on the terms most favorable for the client.
Multimodal Container Transportation
Containerized transports are the most important multimodal consignments for today. Ashipping containeris a standardized or specialized reusable container with strength suitable to withstand transportation, storage, and handling. Of course, multimodal transportation is feasible without containers but using them helps to reduce time and material costs.
There are various types of shipping containers, but all of them are designed to be easily moved from one mode of transport to another without unloading and reloading. They can be placed on a rail, sea, air, and a road transport. One more advantage of containers is their widespread availability and relative cheapness. They are a reusable and efficient way of transportation of various types of cargo.
Transport Monthly
Customs Documents
of Entry
Multimodal Transportation from «M3 Logistics»
A correctly designed multimodal transportation chain can be called a «masterpiece» of transport logistics. It contains coordinated the time limits and a number of details and minimized costs. This is how the «M3 Logistics» logistic experts work: we work toward a result.
By arranging an itinerary of cargo movements, preparing documents for custom declaration and working out loading and unloading cargo schemes, they always achieve the best results!
The calculation of value and delivery timeframe is carried out individually, but in any case, you can be sure the rates will be reasonable for you.
Call us: +7 (495) 255-00-33!